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Friday, March 18, 2005 

Russian Dinner Guests

My wife and I are really excited because we have some friends of our church coming over for supper tonight. These aren't just any friends but they are friends from Russia. Igor (the one that Josh does a great impression of) and his wife and two girls are going to come over and hang out and eat dinner with us. We are really looking forward to this evening. Jennifer has an awesome menu planned: Prime rib with shredded potato caserole...yum, yum. For desert she is making some kind of rasberry cheesecake, or something like that, and she is making her famous chocolate pudding cake. For any of you who have never had this, it is like chocolate overload...yes, a bowl of heaven topped with whipped cream...drool, drool. I am really intersted in meeting his kids also. We were out at Meijer last night looking for a gift for each one of them. We were like...what would a 7 and 8 year old Russian girl want to play with. We settled on a couple Barbie dolls. Man, they make barbies like they do GIJoes. I mean, you know how GIJoe "ACTION FIGURES" come with all of the cool gear. It almost makes me want to play with Barbie Dolls again...I mean, um...It almost makes me want to melt down some more of those foul girlie dolls again...Anyways, Igor is like one of the coolest Russians I know, not counting Dennis in ST Petersbrg...He's my bud. Well, I'm out for now...

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  • I'm Larry
  • From Springfield, Ohio, United States
  • I am a Husband, a Father, a Youth Pastor. All of which is my calling and my passion.
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