I Want To Be Superman
Have you ever wished that you could be Superman? I think I am feeling that way right now. I mean, Superman could fix any situation however big it seemed. I know that there are things that only God can handle, but it still doesn't change the fact that I wish I could make it all better. It frustates me when I can't just tell all of the pain to leave and mend the broken hearts. I read a couple of blogs today that actually brought tears to my eyes. I'm not a real sappy person. I don't get all emotional and stuff unless it has to do with areas that touch my heart. My students touch my heart. I hate to see them in pain. I hate to see the enemy tearing their heart in two. I want to just wrap them up in my arms and make the world disappear even if it's only for a moment. My heart breaks when their heart is aching. I guess I am a sappy person because I can't bear to see those that I care about in turmoil. It's times like these that I am glad that I serve a Lord who comforts me when I feel like I fall short. I can't change the world or the past. I guess all I can do is be there, be available to those who might need me. I am here...for whatever that's worth.
Larry, I gotta admit, I love the blogging world, but one thing that does sadden me is that blogs have become one of the only ways for people to vent and 'cry out' and for others to actually be made aware of it. The very fact that people post deep emotional stuff, especially things that make them vulnerable, is clearly a sign that they wish they could tell someone in person, but that they don't know who that person is. It definitely saddens my heart to realize how little humans communicate with humans anymore in a real and personal way.
To be honest, I find out more about what is going on with my sisters from their blogs than I find out from just talking to them. I'm honestly ashamed to admit that. That is definitely not the way it should be.
You are absolutely right -- God is the only source for complete and perfect healing. Only He knows the inward parts of who we are, and only He knows how to correct it. Amazing to me that He chooses screwed individuals like you and me to play a part in that healing process. Doesn't make sense, but neither does His grace and mercy, all too often.
One thing to keep in mind...Rom 3:23: He works all things for good, for those that love Him, and are called according to His purpose. (Rom 5:3-8 is also very applicable).
Posted by
Joel |
7:24 PM
You have such an awesome heart for the youth. That's one thing I admire about you. It's great to know that we have a youth pastor who cares so much. And I thank you for that. I love you!
Posted by
Kim |
7:59 PM