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Saturday, January 22, 2005 


Originally uploaded by tank_lo.
Ok, I really don't know whether to feel sorry for this guy or laugh myself into a frenzy. Now don't go calling me heartless and insesitive just yet. I would really feel sorry for him if I didn't know that he went two days (two days mind you) not knowing that he had a nail lodged up in his brain. He apparently shot himself in the mouth with his nail gun but he thought that he just hit himself in the mouth with the back of the tool. Maybe he should have read the directions and paid closer attention to the part that said "point away from face". So two days later when he was complaining about a head and toothache his girlfriend talked him into going to the dentist office where she worked to get an xray, and what do you know. To their surprise...This guy is either a real trooper or really stupid. The amazing thing is that this guy lived and no brain damage...well, I'll let you insert a joke It takes all kinds in this little place we call earth. If we didn't have people that did things like this, we probably wouldn't have anything to talk about now would we.

Larry...never ever say "lol" again. It's just not cool.

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  • I'm Larry
  • From Springfield, Ohio, United States
  • I am a Husband, a Father, a Youth Pastor. All of which is my calling and my passion.
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