Man, sometimes I hate to read the news. I read some news articles on the earthquake that hit over in Asia on Sunday. That is such a tragedy. It totally blew me away. The death toll is up to 44,000 and rising in 11 countries. I don't even really know how to react to this. This is the biggest tragedy that I have witnessed in my lifetime. It is the largest Tsunami an over 120 years and it is the largest earthquake ever registered. I was too young to be effected by our 58,000 lost in Vietnam. I know this did not happen in America but it sucks to watch people suffer. This is such an awesome opportunity to glorify God in the face of such horrible conditions. I think that this is a time for the American people to step up. Think about it. We are so blessed in this country. Even some of the poorest people can at least go to food pantries and get food. I think that the American people should step up and help out in this time of need. The government sent over disaster teams and are planning on giving $15 million to help out. That is like $1 when you look at the overall damage and the lives and families that have been so voilently torn apart. It hurts me inside to think about it. This should be a time when America can show that we are not apathetic to things that go on in other countries. We can make so much more of a difference than the government ever could. I don't know, it's just something to think about. I would hope that peopl would do the same if America was in the same situation. It's wierd, I just watched Day After Tomoorow the other day and Then this happened. That is freaky. One day you are thinking, nothing like that could ever happen. Now, Im like well I guess something like that could happen. I'm glad I know where I will rest if I were to die.
That is totally insane. I was shocked when I heard about it too. I hate to see stuff like that happen. And it sucks even worse because a lot of people weren't even aware of it, so the death toll is way up. I hope that America helps out as much as possible. It's good to see countries helping other countries.
Posted by
Kim |
6:32 PM