Day of Fire
I've been really getting into this new band called Day of Fire. They have a really good sound. Well I got some info today on the front man for this band. He used to be in a band called Full Devil Jacket. They toured with bands like Coal Chamber, Nickelback and Creed. He OD'd on heroine in 2000 and ended up leaving the band before they finished their sophmore album in the studio. He walked away from a record deal, a publishing deal and all of the fame and fortune that came with it. All to give his life to Christ and start fresh. He said he spent some time trying to live in both worlds and he ended up haveing a nervous breakdown. Part of him was trying to serve his Lord and part of him was still trying to serve the devil. There is a cool article that goes into a little more detail if you want to learn more. I am really impressed with this guys heart. He answered the call that so many other artists have gotten but he turned and hasen't looked back. That is really cool! Check this band out because they have a great sound and an awesome message.
That is cool, it seems it is hard to find a good band with a clear focus on God anymore. Even Skillet seems to have wussed out! Sounds like they're worthy of a listen...
Posted by
prozaciswack |
3:16 PM
I think I've heard that band before when I went to Logo's. They did sound pretty neat. Maybe you can burn me a copy of the cd for my birthday! ;)
Posted by
Kim |
5:42 PM
Oh Larry you are so predictable. I listened to them on iTunes and must say that Day of Fire is definitely up your alley. Personally, I'm not too crazy about their style. I've been tired of the gutteral and throaty male vocalist in the vein of Creed, 12 Stones and Nickleback. Just not original anymore, even if the music itself is fresh. However it sounds like a good story of a life changed..and that's what counts.
What's the name of the band that Tremonti and the rest of Creed minus Scott Stapp just created? Is it Day of Fire?
Posted by
Joel |
6:52 AM