Get Your Vote On
Well, I voted today and I am pleased to say that it was painless. I was expecting intimdation, opposition, and challenges fromn the opposing parties. It just goes to show you that the media blows things so far out of proportion. I want to know why people have to be so stupid. It's pretty simple if you ask me. You go in, fill out a ballot and then leave. I was listening to WLW this morning and they were making fun of both parties for the stupid things that they are doing. This election is going to be so close. It's kind of nerve racking. It worries me if Kerry becomes President. I think that there is so much at stake here. They are saying that this is supposed to be the largest voter turnout since the Kennedy/Nixon election, even surpassing that. There is more interest than ever. That is awesome. At the same time though, there are alot of ignorant fools who are voting for all the wrong reasons. I think that if you have a sign on you car or truck that says "Redneck" your vote should be challenged. Josh R. said that he encountered a voter this morning that was drunk. (Definately a Kerry supporter) Haha! Now I don't think that all Kerry supporters are ignorant and misinformed, just most of them. If you got mad at that remark...well, check your IQ. Now go vote for Bush!! Don't hate me for believing that it is wrong to murder babies, that marriage is between a man and a women...period, and if you join the military there is a strong possibility that you will go to war(that's in your job description). I joined the military during the first Gulf War. War is hell, it's no fun, but it happens. If you are too much of a pansy to do your part then here is a novel concept. Don't volunteer to go into the military. Sorry about the tangent but I feel very strongly about this topic. The funny thing is that you can't make these anti-war people realize that it is things like the war in Iraq that gives them the freedom to be able to be a pansy and hide behind their protests and signs. So what am I griping about? Praise God that we live in a country that gives us the freedom to speak our mind...No matter what other people think about it. Go vote...make your voice heard.
Amen, preach it boy! Get out and vote! If you don't, i don't ever want to hear you complain...about ANYTHING!!!
Posted by
prozaciswack |
3:18 PM