Got My Halo 2 Groove On
Well, here it is. The long awaited way overdue release of the most anticipated, not to mention, the sequel to the greatest game ever made. I was able to play it last night for about an hour. I am speachless! The attention to detail, the amazing gameplay, the incredible physics, brilliant colors, the superb textures, the awesome customizing options, and the all out fun of putting numerous bullets into the Covenant's skulls...well, it brings tears of happiness to my eyes. I haven't even played multi player yet. Josh and I are about to spend our lunch hour blasting each other to kingdom come. Also we are having a Halo 2 release party at my house this Friday...should be an awesome night!
You should check out Halo 2 with HDTV. It looks very rich in color and very sharp images.
Posted by
James McCauley |
9:47 AM
You boys are silly. I never knew someone could be so obsessed over a video game.
Hmm..I wonder what you fellows will be doing at Retreat all weekend. :)
Posted by
Kim |
1:23 PM
Whatever...where i work there is a 43 year old man who peed his pants in excitement over this game (he really is a cool guy though) all i'm tring to say is, trust me...there are people way wierder about this game then us! And is a delight!
Posted by
prozaciswack |
8:14 PM
Okay here's my synopsis. After playing Halo 2 for several hours (I think around 9 hrs this weekend), my conclusion is that it is a good game, but I'm a little partial to the old game.
I definitely like "battle creek" better than "beavercreek" and I definitely like "blood gulch" better than the new board (whatever it is called).
The graphics are in deed very good. The attention to detail is excellent.
Game play: Well this is where I don't like it much. Who cares about realism...a sniper pistol beats a "battle rifle" hands down. They took away the best weapon ever. IDIOTS! Anyone else notice that the guys run slower than that last game and for some reason jump about 10 ft higher? What's with that? You can't upgrade a game and slow it down the action, that destroys the familiarity that people have come to know. And because of the jumping issue you can't blame it on "realism". I do like the covenant sword...that thing is bad...especially if you are a covenant character and go invisibile...beautiful.
I do like the fact that you can beat the tar out of some one while they are driving a vehicle. I had much enjoyment from that. The Banshee is worthless though, I can't fly that thing for the life of me. I don't like the shields only thing either. They should give you the option.
Okay, that's enough for now...
Posted by
Joel |
5:52 AM