True Love Waits
So yeah, we had our True Love Waits dinner on Friday and I must say that it went very well. We had some games and some laughs. The food was alright. One thing that I have to say about Springfield is that there is really nowhere you can get really good food for larger groups. The food was ok I guess but it wasn't the greatest. We had a really good time though. I think everyone liked the bracelets that we gave away. They are "FABULOUS". Luke is already on his second one because he broke one. He was trying to wear his purity on his head. I don't think that worked very well. Prozac almost threw his purity away after a rather heated incident Sunday morning. Sorry I temted ya Bro...haha! I always love the fact that my staff and students are as whacked out as I am...that is comforting, in a demented sort of way. I'm out!
Yes Larry, you caused me to lust for you...i am permanantly scared.
Posted by
prozaciswack |
4:26 PM
This was by far the greatest True Love Waits ever. I <3ed it. and the bracelets.
Posted by
Kim |
11:43 PM