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Friday, September 09, 2005 

God Has a Sense of Humor

Ok, I am amazed sometimes how God shows himself in our daily lives. I was getting ready to get some work done just minding my own business when I said, "I need a new notebook from my file cabinet." So I proceed to go to the file cabinet and I open it up and what do I find. There were like 2 boxes of large paperclips just dumped out in there. So as I proceeded to say in a loud voice "OMG how in the world did someone dump these in here?" I was grabbing a box of something to move it, the box flips out of my hand and dumps all over the inside of the file cabinet. "Well, I guess that is how they got dumped in there." So here I am laughing at myself because I felt like God was saying, "Hey dummy, that's how they got dumped quit whining." Call it coincidence if you want. I call it God showing up saying, "Here's yer sign."

At leat I cleaned up the mess I made. That's more than I can say about the paperclip vandaliser...curse them! Shame on their vile, unrepentant disregard for paperclip placement.

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  • I'm Larry
  • From Springfield, Ohio, United States
  • I am a Husband, a Father, a Youth Pastor. All of which is my calling and my passion.
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