London Prison
I had an awesome opportunity Saturday to go to London Prison with J.B. I wasn't really looking forward to a 15 hour day but I would have to say it was well worth it. We are starting a discipleship program in the prison system. We went out and did some training and then at the end of the day, we had a service in the chapel. It was definately an experience that God wanted me to have. I think we get into a comfortable place in our ministries and we need to be pushed out of it. It made me think about consequences, accountability, and the amazing grace and mercy that God shows on our lives.
One man summed it up to me in a conversation we were having. He said "We have commited our crimes and need to be held accounable for those crimes. We need to be kept in here until we lose our rebelliousness. I am surrounded by barbed wire and concrete walls but I am free in my heart because of the price that Jesus Christ paid for me. No walls can stand higher than the grace that God has shown me by letting me be a part of his kingdom."
I was floored by this guy's life. The things that he has done and seen. Now he is about a year away from finishing up a 15 year sentence. On the surface you would never guess that this guy was once a hardened criminal. He has Christ in his heart and he is thankful for that. I think I learned more about grace by spending 15 minutes with this guy than I could ever learn spending a whole semester in a theology class...that's just my perspective on it.
One man summed it up to me in a conversation we were having. He said "We have commited our crimes and need to be held accounable for those crimes. We need to be kept in here until we lose our rebelliousness. I am surrounded by barbed wire and concrete walls but I am free in my heart because of the price that Jesus Christ paid for me. No walls can stand higher than the grace that God has shown me by letting me be a part of his kingdom."
I was floored by this guy's life. The things that he has done and seen. Now he is about a year away from finishing up a 15 year sentence. On the surface you would never guess that this guy was once a hardened criminal. He has Christ in his heart and he is thankful for that. I think I learned more about grace by spending 15 minutes with this guy than I could ever learn spending a whole semester in a theology class...that's just my perspective on it.
Hey that's a cool story to hear. I've actually been hearing a lot of accounts not too unlike your's. It seems to me, even in my own personal walk, that God is stripping down the high and loftiness of higher education for a more intimate, child-like walk with Him. Something requiring complete abandonment and thoughtlessness to the cares and concerns of the commonsense life.
Posted by
Joel |
7:36 PM