Don't Walk Stupid!
Alright, I am going to go off on a random tangient for a moment. Why is it that people don't pay any attention to the Don't Walk signs on the street corners. I don't know why this is such a pet peeve for me, but I have recently noticed that it drives me crazy. I almost hit some guy the other day because I was making a turn and all of a sudden here is this yahoo in the middle of the cross walk. The Don't Walk sing was blinking away. Oh but it gets better. He yells at me and throws me the universal F U gesture. I then proceeded to think of many ways in my head that I could make him pay for his insolent behavior. I did however refrain myself from pulling off anything that I might later regret. I now find myself watching people as they consciously disobey the law and walk when they know they shouldn't. What ever happened to the police giving out tickets for jaywalking? I think that they should arm the cross walks with electric charges, and when you walk when you are not supposed to it zaps you. I don't know, maybe they just can't read symbols and need to be reformed. Or maybe they are just plain stupid and need to be run over by a very large truck or something...Or maybe I am just being way too critical...
You should leagally be allowed to run over them if they break the law
Posted by
PapaBob |
9:00 PM