Airless Tire!?
Time Magazine selects Michelin Tweel One of the most amazing inventions of 2005." That is quite a hefty claim to make but this is pretty cool stuff. Michelin has created an airless tire. It looks pretty odd but I am intrigued by it. It has been given all kinds of awards so far and they are looking into applications for them. The website had mentioned wheel chairs, construction equipment, and military vehicles. Check out this video to see the tweel in action. Pretty freaky stuff!
Just when I thought everything was invented...what will they think of next? Simply amazing...
Posted by Joel | 5:33 AM
What does that have to do with an airless tire?
Posted by Larry | 5:18 PM
See now when I make a comment about "Hey why doesnt someone make a tire without air?" People tell me I'm dumb... This proves my ideas from when I was 10 just meant I was too smart for my time.
Posted by PapaBob | 10:10 AM
The thing is that you never say it out loud. I'm telling ya, it's a conspiracy. The "man" is always watching.
Posted by Larry | 10:50 AM