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Thursday, December 22, 2005 

I Want It All!

Well, it's that time of year again. Actually it is past that time of year and I am running behind a bit. It is budegeting time. Everybody say YAY! So I am sitting here with a cup of delicious Russian tea. I have come to love tea. It is so relaxing and yummy. Anyways, I have been working on this budget for about a week now and I have come to one conclusion: I want a whole lot more than I did last year. I know God has all the money in the world, but I also understand that God is no sugardaddy. XBOX 360, PS3, more of this and more of that. Gimme, gimme, gimme. Me likey this and me likey that. I want to go here and I want to go there. Ministry costs money.

I actually have had people say that we are wrong for having video games in our youth room. "The Holy Spirit draws people, not video games." I agree 100%, now let's give them a reason to make the decision to show up. I mean come on, that freedom to chose thing gets in the way all the time. I'm a pastor and I have to die to my selfish wants every day. Are ya getting where I'm coming from?

So here I sit...sipping tea and plotting my plan for ministry domination one dollar at a time. Spending it is alot more fun than planning how it will be spent. I guess it's good that I have to ask for it first. I could see it now. "Pastor Larry, what need do you have for a private jet?" Reply: "Have you ever tried to charter a bus!"

i want the world...i want the whole world..i want to lock it all up in my pocket...

haha. good luck with the whole..moolah thing.

Xbox 360.... we will ahve one of those things in Guatemala! Now that is a reason to come with Global haha

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  • I'm Larry
  • From Springfield, Ohio, United States
  • I am a Husband, a Father, a Youth Pastor. All of which is my calling and my passion.
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