Uber Sexual!?
From what I hear there is a new phrase going around. It's called uber sexual. Yes, you heard me right. It is kind of like meterosexual but a bit different. This fascinates me. Why can't we just be men? Women are always trying to label us, placing tags on us like at the GAP or something. "Oh honey, you don't want him...he's pyrosexual." "PYROSEXUAL!? What does that mean?" "Oh, that means that he doesn't feel fulfilled unless he's blowing stuff up. If you want to date him, you need to take a firearms course and learn how to detonate C4 before he'll even bother with you." That's not true, guys just like to see things explode!
I might be blowing this way out of proportion but it just kind of scares me as to what's next. MEN, we are being blindsided and the women are out to suck us into this whole categorizing thing. Don't fall for it...IT'S A TRAP! They will get you to believe that you are something you're not and pretty soon you will be wearing pink shirts and oversized belt buckles. They have already gotten to a couple of our close friends. Don't let it happen to you!
We as men are simple creatures. If you start messing with our psyche you will disrupt the fragile balance of our existance. This is dangerous! I will fill you in on another post to find out if you will be targeted as an ubersexual and how to avoid it. And to those of our comrades that have fallen to these tags, backup is on the way.
I might be blowing this way out of proportion but it just kind of scares me as to what's next. MEN, we are being blindsided and the women are out to suck us into this whole categorizing thing. Don't fall for it...IT'S A TRAP! They will get you to believe that you are something you're not and pretty soon you will be wearing pink shirts and oversized belt buckles. They have already gotten to a couple of our close friends. Don't let it happen to you!
We as men are simple creatures. If you start messing with our psyche you will disrupt the fragile balance of our existance. This is dangerous! I will fill you in on another post to find out if you will be targeted as an ubersexual and how to avoid it. And to those of our comrades that have fallen to these tags, backup is on the way.
Ok... Larry, it's time for intervention. This is the second post in about a week that has used the word 'metrosexual' You need help with this unexcusable fear.
If you haven't noticed, guys classify girls. There are the butterfaces(everything is hot "but her face"), the MILF(self explanitory), the clingy girl, the prude, the whore, the high maintnence...ect
Larry, don't worry, let them classify us all they want. If a man falls "into this trap" Then he obviously wasn't man enough.
Your weird.
Posted by
PapaBob |
8:29 AM
AND there is nothing wrong with guys wearing pink. Unless they are obsessed with it like Derek.
Posted by
PapaBob |
8:32 AM
Those things Jen just posted are psychological copnditions. idiosexual is having an obsesison of making love to an 'idiot' harposexual is the same but with mutes.
This isnt them calssifying guys, those are actual mental conditions lol diseases, PROBLEMS that need medical treatment, not girls trying to shove guys into cute deffinitive boxes of classes
Posted by
PapaBob |
11:23 AM
LOL! Thank you larry for taking on the cause of those of us who refuse to be reduced to pink shirts with collars flipped up. I refuse! Since I'm sort of a guitar geek, does that make me a guitasexual individual? Or maybe since I work for a consulting firm, I'm a consultasexual. That just sounds sick.
Pyrosexual made me laugh!
Posted by
Joel |
8:37 AM
I don't think classifications are necessarily a bad thing. Being told what you do and then putting a name to it. I personally don't think there is anything wrong with that. it's a problem when people start to change their attitudes because of their classification or if the classification is used negatively. I don't think uber-sexual or metro-sexual is really a bad thing. It's like saying someone who plays baseball is a baseball player. you are who you are, be yourself. that's what's it's all about...Cheers!
Posted by
Anonymous |
1:39 PM