A Collision
Emily was telling me how awesome the new David Crowder Cd was so I had to go out and buy it. David Crowder is such an amazing musician. He is so innovative it is scary. I think he is the only man that can be outside of the genre of blugrass, perform a blugrass song, and get away with it. AND...have you slapping your knee to the song wishing the whole time you had a whiskey jug to blow a tune into. Yes...I love it and am thouroughly enjoying it! Thanks Em for the insight.
Ahh but if only you read my blog regularly and took my advice some time ago, you would have come to the same excellent conclusion that you have so late in the game arrived at. :) -- a great album indeed.
Posted by Joel | 6:03 AM
David Crowder rocks!
Posted by Sol | 1:37 PM
Man, this might seem heretic, but I... well... Never mind, my opinion will get me stoned.
Posted by PapaBob | 11:26 PM