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Thursday, September 23, 2004 

For The Girls

As a Youth Pastor, I am always trying to protect the purity of my female students. I try to teach them that their body is not a toy created for a guy's amusement. That they are a jewel in its purest form in God's eyes. I know this comes off as being a prude sometimes to them. But I know what my thought process was like as a young teenager. I know how I viewed girls, and I'm sure that thought process hasen't changed all that much with the young men in this generation. Anyways, sometimes a young lady will say something that just floors me. Not that I don't expect it coming from them but that it moves me to hear words like these come from the mouth of a young child of God. This person was dealing with a situation with a guy. It wasn't a pretty situation and one that she removed herself from as soon as she could. She then ended her story with these words: "He (meaning God) whispered louder in my ear today than any man ever could." I thought , "Wow!" That is so awesome. You know something...God has a way of showing Himself in the oddest of situations. Speaking to us in the weirdest ways...Just to show us that He loves us. I'm out...

Wow... thanks for sharing that. I will remember that one.

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  • I'm Larry
  • From Springfield, Ohio, United States
  • I am a Husband, a Father, a Youth Pastor. All of which is my calling and my passion.
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