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Tuesday, September 21, 2004 

Here They Go Again

Why is it that these terrorists over in Iraq feel that they are doing God a favor by killing innocent people. When did God say, "I think today I want you to show the world what a coward you are and kidnap some inncocent people. Then I want you to behead them when you don't get your way." What a bunch of freaks. These guys are such a discredit to God. They make God look like such an ogre and a people hater. God is everything opposite of what these idiots stand for. They are too afraid to target our military because they know they would get squashed. Instead, they pick out people that they know are unarmed and are innocent because they feel like they can tug on our sentimental strings. People are yelling saying, "why don't we give them what they want to prevent more deaths." Well heck, let's just invite them over for dinner, seeing as they are God fearing people and all. Bunch of crack monkeys if you ask me! That is my personal opinion. These guys will never stop. Their demands for release of prisoners is just a front to cover up the truth. They hate everything about us, and they will do anything in their power to destroy us. People say, "man if we would have just stayed out of the conflict over there none of this would be happening." I think people fail to remember 9/11. They had been planning that for years. It was just a matter of time before they started their crap over here. I like nukes. Don't hate me for it.

Amen to nukes! I know what you're sayin man, it's crazy to think that some poeple sill want us to back down from these cowards. They really have absolutly nothing to stand on anymore now that the gov't is gone and they are all skattered, running and hiding, and pulling stunts like this! Why would we stop now?

Some years ago, C.S. Lewis made some excellent comments on the whole pacifist movement, in "The Weight of Glory". He said that only liberal societies tolerate pacifists in their midst. As the number of pacifists increase the weaker the country becomes. He goes on to say that it's the countries that say they want peace, culture and world harmony that end up being crushed by the totalitarian government that won't allow pacifists in their midst. So in the process of doing what they think is right for mankind, they end up being destroyed by that which they fought to avoid.

Totalitarians = terrorists
Pacifists = Hollywood liberals and those who become sentimental about the necessity of war.

War is a necessary evil...

That's politically incorrect and highly suggestive. Not everyone has a camel.

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