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Friday, September 08, 2006 

Empty lot = Memories

What is this you ask...

It's a piece of my past. There used to be a house that sat here. Now there's just an empty lot.

There used to be a band that played in the garage. We were called Astaroth. We would play for hours defining who we were through our lyrics. We totally sucked but we were on our way to being rock stars. Plus, the chics dug musicians.

Gun's N Roses and Tesla could be heard from the windows of the house as a few teens would bang their heads and sing along while playing air guitar.

The scent of chicken and noodles would come from the kitchen as Mom would be getting supper ready.

Bob would come over with his iced coffee. At the time I thought it was nasty, never knowing that it would later become my favorite drink.

Sean and Phil would come knocking on the door and we were off to roam the streets with no plans or cares. We would let the evening take us where it wanted to. Sometimes we would just sit on the steps and let the summer sun set while talking about girls, music and life.

Looking back, there are things I miss about my childhood, things that I wish I could live over...not do over, but live them again.

You see an empty lot...I see alot of memories.

About me

  • I'm Larry
  • From Springfield, Ohio, United States
  • I am a Husband, a Father, a Youth Pastor. All of which is my calling and my passion.
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