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Monday, March 05, 2007 

Broken Camera!?

Two days before I leave for Russia and what camera gets dropped. I was like no big deal, it wasn't dropped hard. It did however jam the lens motor making it inoperable. AAAAHHHH! So I take it to Click to get it repaired. Their response: We have to send it out and Kodak usually takes about 10 weeks for repairs...oh yeah, and it'll cost about $150. I was like what!?

I hate to buy from stores but I'm leaving tomorrow and couldn't stand the thought of going without a camera. So...I broke down and bought a new camera. I looked and looked for one that was comparable to my Z700 at about the same price I paid.

I decided to go with the Kodak Z650. It's actually a better camera than my Z700. I'm just not happy about having to spend the money on another camera. Oh well, I'm digging the extra features that this one has. So I'm off tomorrow with a camera in hand...

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  • I'm Larry
  • From Springfield, Ohio, United States
  • I am a Husband, a Father, a Youth Pastor. All of which is my calling and my passion.
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